Noni fruit contain many beneficial compounds that function as natural therapeutic agents. We summarize here, with the aims of highlighting the current research gaps, and providing comprehensive information on the health benefits of Noni.

Boosts Energy

"For thousands of years, Noni juice has been used to combat general body weakness, boost energy levels and improve the overall physical performance of the body".

Moisturises Skin

"Noni juice is a powerhouse of antioxidants and works as a great moisturiser, if applied on the skin". It naturally replenishes and repairs your skin. So, forget about those dry, patchy skin and say hello to healthy hydrated skin.

Fights Ageing

Noni juice is packed with Vitamin C and selenium, which helps fight free radicals, preserve skin elasticity and reverse the adverse effects of ageing. It is important to take care of your skin and keep it healthy and young.

Boosts Immunity

"Strengthened immune system is yet another benefit of noni juice," Scopoletin present in noni juice possesses anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and anti-histamine properties that boost the immune defence mechanism of the body.

Reduces Stress

"Noni juice helps manage stress and reduces the impact of stress on cognitive function." But, only noni juice cannot give you the desired results. You must practice yoga or meditate along with your daily dosage of noni juice.

Treats Fever

Studies suggest that Noni juice has antiviral properties and helps get rid of cough, fever and body ache. It is important to "take a shot of noni juice on a daily basis to reap the benefits. It is best consumed in small quantities".

Treats Arthritis

"The main complaint from patients who suffer from arthritis is pain. Various studies suggest that Noni juice helps alleviate pain and reduce joint destruction implicated in arthritis due to its analgesic properties". If you lead a healthy lifestyle and drink Noni juice daily, you can reduce arthritis pain to the minimum.

Lowers Risk of Gout

Gout is a kind of arthritis that is caused by the build-up of uric acid crystals in the joints. "Studies have shown that Noni juice can reduce uric acid concentration in the blood, thereby lowering the risk of gout."